Sunday, December 6, 2009

Crystal Ballroom vs Digital Natives

We, as in the Digital Grandma Kay and the Digital Old Man, were up late last night at the Crystal Ballroom in downtown Portland. Spied were at least 6 non-Natives there. The rest were clearly Digital Natives.

The floor in the main dance hall was bouncing up and down as the 2137 people gyrated and twisted to the LOUD music. After Grace Potter and the Nocturnals played, Brett Dennon came on stage with his band. Not only did the the audience dance, the stage was alive also with energy and syncopated action. The shear number of guitars and other digital technology in evidence was astounding. No Digital Immigrants, Digital Tourists or Digital Dinosaurs were sighted.
Up in the balcony (where one could sit down) the crowd was a bit more sedentary, but very involved.

DIGITAL you say. Yes.

Observed: "Those chandeliers need to be motorized to retract into the ceiling or at least have the ability to change with the music like Digital Christmas Light Shows." At one time six of the six people sitting immediately at our elbows were on their cell phones. Cell phones or digital cameras were almost obligatory to get in the front entrance. A young fellow in the front row near us lost his stocking hat. Found in moments with the use of another young fellow in the second row with the light of his cell phone. I am now in someone's pic as the two young gals in front of me took their own pic of themselves. Scanners to track those that have entered once so no one can re-enter. A light show and pounding music that could only have been produced with technology no one knew existed when I was a youngster.

For people like us, the Laser Light Show was distracting. The sound was good, accoustics in the room built probably at least 100 years ago are incredible. The sudden opening of the ourdoor vents to sub-freezing weather outside just above our heads, perhaps should be another opportunity for them to control digitally the Ballroom's environment. The old, old elevator only goes to the third floor. The balcony is on the fourth floor where the old folks like to sit.

I left this concert and wished I had begun "Concert Going" years earlier. I again made a friend just like at Coldplay. This young Digital Native was appalled at the audience's behavior at the beginning of Grace's performance. At one point their conversations almost overtook her music. It was like the crowd down on the dance floor were in a McMennims' pub and having a good time on Saturday night. But soon after our conversation, we noticed the crowd finally got it. They were jumping up and down, swaying, taking pics up over their heads, and were totally engaged. When we left (O.K., a little before it was over to avoid the crowd on the steep stairs), the rest of them were still enjoying every second.

I didn't feel like a Grandma last night. I felt like I was connected to a fine group of fun loving people having a lot of fun myself. Maybe next time go to a concert (after I get my new knee), I may dance with the best of them.

"Duane took Kay to her second live concert last night. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals and then Brett Dennon. Crystal Ballroom in Portland. That floor is like a trampoline. Pretty late for this old lady." Facebook, 5 December 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 cyber bullying and on.line predators

Just yesterday I received a friend request on Facebook from a student at my school. It is not odd that he found my name on Facebook. It is not odd that he perhaps wants to be my friend. What strikes me as very wrong is that on his profile he says his birthdate is 1986. That would indicate he is 23 years old. The picture he posted is very seductive. Does this 10 year old digital native know what he is creating? I know that this particular kid has 112 times the digital skills as I have. And he flaunts those skills every hour of every day.

Then I looked at his friends. Many I knew as either present or former students at my elementary school. Many had obviously wrong birthdates. Many had very suggestive pictures. Are their parents so digital dinosaurs or so digital tourists that they have not checked their young children's Facebook profiles? Do they get this cyber world?

I am scheduled to teach the curriculum to my kindergartners through fifth graders in the very near futue. Can I help keep these digital native children safe on.line? Can I teach two lessons on on.line predators or cyber-bullying and make an impact?

I am no longer on Facebook. I am truly frightened.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We must prepare children for their future, not our past.

  • “Prepare children for their future, not our past...” Ian Jukes, a futurist, author, and provocateur spoke in Vancouver to educators.
  • He believes we, as teachers, must gain a new mindset. We must prepare children for their future, not our past. We need to re-think why kids should come to school.
  • His words are powerful to me. I need to view technological changes in education and rethink my role as a teacher. Technology is not a curriculum, but a tool used to perform tasks. Content is the process of learning, not the product of learning.
  • My role is to teach problem solving, critical thinking, and communication.
  • The most powerful technology in the classroom is the teacher. I teach children!
Kay Douglass, Teacher.Librarian, Chinook Elementary

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Digital Definitions - welcomes suggestions for new words not yet in their dictionary. Our fifth graders are asking for Digital.Native, Digital.Immigrant, Digital.Tourist, and Digital.Dinosaur to be included. Perhaps I will add Digital.Grandma to the list.

#2 Blog from Digital Immigrant Rewired

Friday, October 2, 2009
Wish I Could Change Blog to Digital Grandma
At Chinese tonight with friends, I marvelled at the gist of the conversation. All four of us clearly not Digital natives, actually probably not Digital immigrants. Yet, conversation centered on the digital world. One guy had an I-Phone he continually used as an information source. Did you know there are actually four new Lincoln pennies? Two are out and two more planned. One gal is Japanese from Hawaii. I ate the entire meal with chopsticks after she taught me how. Tim wanted to show me a funny clip about a librarian, Lo said to download it to her phone and she would show it to me later. Duane and Tim had difficulty hearing despite high tech hearing aids in place. When will the digital world catch up and make an efficient hearing aid? Like those articificial legs and arms they make these days. To this elderly digital generation, these are important questions. My new blog will be called Digital Grandma. I just don't know how to change the name on this one to say that. So much for being Digital Immigrant Rewired.
Posted by Kay Douglass at 8:16 PM 1 comments

First Blog from D.Natives Teaching D.Natives

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Digital Natives Teaching Digital Natives
Digital Natives actually have different pathways in their brains that are used to problem solve than other human beings. MRI's have been used to demonstrate this. So I completely understand that a D.Native Teacher teaching Digital Natives to problem solve works very well. How about a Digital Immigrant teaching a Digital Native to problem solve? Unless the immigrant has re-wired, doesn't this make a disconnect? Is that why D.Natives can text using thumbs and D.Immigrants just don't seem to make the same exercise easy? Or the reverse. D.Immigrants think they can teach their D.Native students to keyboard with both hands on the keyboard using the "correct fingering", when in fact those D.Natives have had alternative keyboard fingering imprinted in their brains from birth on. Think remotes, cell phones. Expanded, this is becoming a problem in most instruction given to D.Natives by D.Immigrants, D. Tourists, and D.Dinosaurs.
Posted by Kay Douglass at 4:16 PM 1 comments