Wednesday, October 7, 2009

#2 Blog from Digital Immigrant Rewired

Friday, October 2, 2009
Wish I Could Change Blog to Digital Grandma
At Chinese tonight with friends, I marvelled at the gist of the conversation. All four of us clearly not Digital natives, actually probably not Digital immigrants. Yet, conversation centered on the digital world. One guy had an I-Phone he continually used as an information source. Did you know there are actually four new Lincoln pennies? Two are out and two more planned. One gal is Japanese from Hawaii. I ate the entire meal with chopsticks after she taught me how. Tim wanted to show me a funny clip about a librarian, Lo said to download it to her phone and she would show it to me later. Duane and Tim had difficulty hearing despite high tech hearing aids in place. When will the digital world catch up and make an efficient hearing aid? Like those articificial legs and arms they make these days. To this elderly digital generation, these are important questions. My new blog will be called Digital Grandma. I just don't know how to change the name on this one to say that. So much for being Digital Immigrant Rewired.
Posted by Kay Douglass at 8:16 PM 1 comments

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