Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Blog from D.Natives Teaching D.Natives

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Digital Natives Teaching Digital Natives
Digital Natives actually have different pathways in their brains that are used to problem solve than other human beings. MRI's have been used to demonstrate this. So I completely understand that a D.Native Teacher teaching Digital Natives to problem solve works very well. How about a Digital Immigrant teaching a Digital Native to problem solve? Unless the immigrant has re-wired, doesn't this make a disconnect? Is that why D.Natives can text using thumbs and D.Immigrants just don't seem to make the same exercise easy? Or the reverse. D.Immigrants think they can teach their D.Native students to keyboard with both hands on the keyboard using the "correct fingering", when in fact those D.Natives have had alternative keyboard fingering imprinted in their brains from birth on. Think remotes, cell phones. Expanded, this is becoming a problem in most instruction given to D.Natives by D.Immigrants, D. Tourists, and D.Dinosaurs.
Posted by Kay Douglass at 4:16 PM 1 comments

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